Monday 11 July 2016

Salsa Dance - Have Fun and Lose Weight Dancing with Matthew David Parker

Dancing has long been known as a way of keeping fit. Salsa dancing is the most exciting dance style and you can have a lot of fun while cutting down on those pounds. Matthew David Parker is one of the foremost salsa dance instructors in the US. His studio is based in Lafayette, Louisiana where he encourages dance lovers to come learn new dancing styles and enjoy the added health benefits.

Workout movements
Salsa movements involve weight changing, tapping and small kicks. The movements involve the lower body depending largely on the hip flexor and gluteal muscles for execution. These movements must be accomplished while the upper weight remains level which improves core movement and conditioning. The legs get a workout as the dancer moves forward, backwards and turn, providing well balanced muscle development.

Major muscles workout
Salsa dancing will work out all the major muscle groups in the body burning more calories. The core, heart, quadriceps, gluteal, hip flexor muscles and hamstrings will get involved in the different movements of the dance. 

Accelerated health benefits

  • Calorie Burn - The average person weighing 150 pounds can expect to burn 175-250 calories in 30 minutes of dancing. 
  • Muscle development – Muscles become more developed from constant work. You will develop more muscle mass instead of fat. 
  • Cardio endurance – Cardiovascular endurance means that your heart and lungs can do more for longer. 
  • Emotional balance – Dancing workout releases dopamine, a feel good hormone which will give you a natural high. 
  • Better sex appeal – Overall body image and the ability to execute dance moves will generally improve your sex appeal.
Dancing lessons Matthew David Parker are your way of improving your health while learning something fun.