Thursday 2 March 2017

Salsa Dance Tips For Absolute Beginners

Are you planning on joining a salsa dance class or studio for the first time? If yes, then here are some tips for beginners shared by Matthew David Parker, one of the most praised salsa instructors in the world.

  • Do a little research
Before selecting a dance class or studio, do some research on the internet or ask the references. Also, choose the style of the dance you want to begin with and find the closest class to you, so you don’t waste your time traveling.

  • Class structure
Once you select the dance studio, check out whether the salsa class embraces an organized class structure. If the salsa lessons are designed in advance, it helps students make rapid progress with their learning process.

  • Level of interaction of the instructor with students
If the salsa instructor interacts with the students often, then students tend to do well, picking up the techniques with ease. The more the interaction, the easier it is for students to do well with salsa lessons.

  • Listen to salsa music!
Get the music into your body. Find songs that make you want to dance more. Know the rhythms and express yourself with the best moves.

“With these tips, you can get the most out of your beginner salsa classes. You need to have a can-do attitude, pay attention, listen to the instructor, and give 100% effort. Ask questions if you are unsure about any aspect of the learning and practice the basics outside of salsa dance classes and, most of all, have fun,” Matthew David Parker added.

Wednesday 22 February 2017

7 Amazing Benefits of Joining Salsa Dance Classes

Are you bored of your dreary daily routine? Do you want to add something interesting to your life? If your answer is YES to these questions, then join dance classes. Dancing can be really fun and entertaining. If you’re someone who gets confused about which dance class to choose, then go for salsa! Salsa dancing is vibrant, exhilarating and great fun! It is for everybody, regardless of your build, age or level of ability - it really is all-inclusive.

Most dance schools will quickly help you grasp the right skills and techniques. Additionally, there will a myriad of health benefits that can be gained from this form of dance while allowing you to engage with different people from different backgrounds. Lafayette Salsa Dance Studio is one of the finest dance studios to take salsa lessons. Started by Matthew David Parker seven years ago, this studio is a one-of-its-kind in Lafayette and teaches all age groups under one roof.

Here are some of the benefits of joining a salsa dance class:
  • Salsa dance has been proven to reduce your heart rate (over time), reduce blood pressure, reduce stress, and cholesterol levels.
  • It increases stamina, muscle tone, flexibility, and energy levels.
  •  Improved coordination and balance.
  •  Raises your confidence and self-esteem.
  • Meet new friends and interact with the people – this is especially stimulating to the mind.
  • Improves mental health, reduces stress, and depression.
  • Increase the production of endorphins leading to feeling of happiness and well-being.
With the increasing popularity of salsa dancing among people of different age groups, it shouldn’t be difficult for you to join a dance class. Start with a group dance class rather than private lessons.

Sunday 8 January 2017

The relationship between dance and Matthew David Parker

Even when he was still in school, Matthew David Parker knew what he wanted to do with his life. Choosing to study Fine Arts at the Louisiana State University is a clear indication of a man who had a vision for his life. His passion would be realized in 2009 when he graduated with a bachelor degree and a year later, founded the Lafayette Salsa Dance Studio. His love for the art of salsa dancing gave him the courage to open dance studio where none existed before and his efforts surely paid off. 

Such is the passion that the young people today need to move ahead in life. You do not have to do what everybody else is doing to be successful because everyone has strong points which can be harnessed to unleash great potential. Whichever path you decide to pick in life, do not disregard the value of education. Going to school and earning your credentials is just as important as getting on stage and doing a performance. 

Matthew David Parker is an inspiration to many people both young and old because he not only shows them that life is a result of our deliberate actions but also brings the spirit of dance closer to those who need it. Salsa is the language of love and what better way to learn how to use it to express you, than from a man who has dedicated his entire life to it; he even went to school to learn how to be a professional.

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Matthew David Parker dancing classes

Those who have attended any of Matthew David Parker’s dance lessons can attest to the fact that his style of teaching bears a spicy connotation. He grew up knowing that he wanted to be a dance instructor and that is what he has centered his life on. Watch this instructor conducting a session and you get lost in his world of perfection and elegance. He makes dancing look easy and this is an aspect that has attracted many to his studio; because they want to be just like him.

Having started his journey of salsa at a very tender age, Matthew David Parker has put all his time and mind to perfecting his knowledge of the dance. His mastery of the dance is evident from the various techniques and innovative moves which he incorporates as he teaches his students. These moves, due to the fact that they are unique, are part of the reason why he is so famous. He is aware of all the styles involved in a salsa dance to the extent that he has modified some of them to suit his classes. 

It is a good thing that Matthew David Parker founded the Lafayette Salsa Dance Studio in 2010 because salsa lovers and those who would like to learn this dance style have a place where they can be taught creatively. It is his creativity in dance that has made his dance studio to remain at the top of the list of such facilities in Lafayette and beyond.