Thursday 2 March 2017

Salsa Dance Tips For Absolute Beginners

Are you planning on joining a salsa dance class or studio for the first time? If yes, then here are some tips for beginners shared by Matthew David Parker, one of the most praised salsa instructors in the world.

  • Do a little research
Before selecting a dance class or studio, do some research on the internet or ask the references. Also, choose the style of the dance you want to begin with and find the closest class to you, so you don’t waste your time traveling.

  • Class structure
Once you select the dance studio, check out whether the salsa class embraces an organized class structure. If the salsa lessons are designed in advance, it helps students make rapid progress with their learning process.

  • Level of interaction of the instructor with students
If the salsa instructor interacts with the students often, then students tend to do well, picking up the techniques with ease. The more the interaction, the easier it is for students to do well with salsa lessons.

  • Listen to salsa music!
Get the music into your body. Find songs that make you want to dance more. Know the rhythms and express yourself with the best moves.

“With these tips, you can get the most out of your beginner salsa classes. You need to have a can-do attitude, pay attention, listen to the instructor, and give 100% effort. Ask questions if you are unsure about any aspect of the learning and practice the basics outside of salsa dance classes and, most of all, have fun,” Matthew David Parker added.