Sunday 8 January 2017

The relationship between dance and Matthew David Parker

Even when he was still in school, Matthew David Parker knew what he wanted to do with his life. Choosing to study Fine Arts at the Louisiana State University is a clear indication of a man who had a vision for his life. His passion would be realized in 2009 when he graduated with a bachelor degree and a year later, founded the Lafayette Salsa Dance Studio. His love for the art of salsa dancing gave him the courage to open dance studio where none existed before and his efforts surely paid off. 

Such is the passion that the young people today need to move ahead in life. You do not have to do what everybody else is doing to be successful because everyone has strong points which can be harnessed to unleash great potential. Whichever path you decide to pick in life, do not disregard the value of education. Going to school and earning your credentials is just as important as getting on stage and doing a performance. 

Matthew David Parker is an inspiration to many people both young and old because he not only shows them that life is a result of our deliberate actions but also brings the spirit of dance closer to those who need it. Salsa is the language of love and what better way to learn how to use it to express you, than from a man who has dedicated his entire life to it; he even went to school to learn how to be a professional.