Saturday 2 July 2016

Mathew David Parker on the Best Salsa Dancing Shoes

Salsa dancing involves a lot of feet movement at a fairly fast pace. For the best dancing experience  during dance, you have to choose an appropriate shoe that is stable and comfortable. Matthew David Parker is a salsa instructor in Lafayette, Louisiana. He knows how important the appropriate shoes are in dance classes and in other dance events. His tips on choosing the perfect salsa dancing shoes are;
Fitting shoes
Always ensure your shoes fit snugly like a glove, without any pressure. Always try walking around for about 30 minutes in your new shoes before going dancing in them. Dancing is more strenuous than walking so ensure they are comfortable even when you walk briskly.

Heel height
For those perfect turns, you have to be stable. If you are not accustomed to high heels do not wear a new pair on the day of a dancing event. Begin with a lower heel with a maximum of 1.5 inches for the ladies. For men, 1 inch heel  height is appropriate. 

Heel thickness
Heel thickness determines the way weight is distributed on the foot. Thin heels push more weight towards the front of the foot which is less balanced.  Flared heels combine height and more width to give better balance than stiletto heels.

Closed vs. open toe
Salsa dance movements require pointing the toes to articulate feet movement. Open toed shoes are better as they allow for better toe pointing. However, experienced dancers can choose closed toes which lower the risk of being hurt when the foot is accidentally stepped on in an accident.

Sole material
A shoe should allow for the right slip and traction to make execution of moves like turns better. A suede sole is perfect as it allows for slip which gives more control when turning. If it gets too smooth it can be brush wired to have some roughness.

Shoe straps
Shoe straps should allow for securing the shoe firmly to the foot and allow for more breathing of the foot for comfort. A double X strap is the best as it secures the shoe around the ankle and the foot, feeling just like a lace up shoe.

Shop or online buy
Always try your shoe before buying. This is better done at a physical shop than an online shop. However, if you see something impressive online, pick it up if they have favorable return policy.

Matthew David Parker reckons the shoe you wear can determine whether your salsa night out is fun or horrible. Be careful with your salsa dancing shoe choice.