Tuesday 16 August 2016

Matthew David Parker’s Tips On How To Be Happier In Life

Being a person who strives to be happy in all spheres of life, Mathew David Parker, a talented salsa dance instructor and owner of Lafayette dance studio in Louisiana, does everything possible to keep himself, his family and the people around him happy. He understands the different challenges that face people in their daily lives and came up with ways on how to be happier in life as can be viewed below:

Be courageous, kind and compassionate
Life is full of challenges and setbacks but the difference is how you tackle these challenges. Courage is very important when addressing certain issues in life. Don't ever be an escapist; always tackle things as they come for you to overcome them. Be kind to others and show compassion to other people. This will give you inner peace and comfort as you continue searching for happiness in life. Help those in need if you have a chance to help, smile to a stranger and always show extra love to people around you.

Believe in yourself, be consistent and dream big
When you believe in yourself there is nothing you cannot do or achieve. Coupled with the courage and ability to take action, you will surely achieve almost everything you wish to have. Always dream big and never think of any impossibility. Staying focused and always working hard to see your dreams come true will help you in becoming happy. Be realistic, set achievable goals, be consistent and see your dreams come true.

Give and help others
Whenever you feel down, depressed or discouraged, go out and give. You can do this by being a volunteer or simply give something to someone. This should not necessarily be material item; you can give advice or give a helping hand in doing something. This will help you understand what real life is all about. It is not all about you but also about others. This will be very helpful especially in issues that concern relationships. People in relationships focus their attention on what they can gain from the other person and not what they can give to the other person. Giving will nature you into becoming someone who does not only expect good things from others but also gives things to others.

Be nicer to yourself
One thing a lot of people forget in life is that whenever you reward yourself for something you have achieved you actually motivate yourself and improve your self-esteem. According to Matthew David Parker, self-esteem is something very important it is the recipe for motivation and working hard in life. Never yield to criticism but instead view the criticism as a challenge. When you fail in achieving something, don't feel discouraged; instead learn from that failure and work hard to avoid such failures in future.